
Sunday, May 26, 2013


post ini aku coret buat fauzan azim.
(kalau mahu juga baca, tak apa.)

you do not believe in them anymore do you? my dear, i cannot let you do that. not around me. not when you are with me. because i am a huge believe of miracles and i am a huge believe of God. i know you are too. i know. but you just decided to neglect your faith for miracles, to not see them. they are around you but your determined eyes which are now blinded by hopelessness refuse to neither see nor believe in them anymore.

again, they surround you but they do not happen to you. i know it is hard for you to see that everyone else had it easy as a piece of cake this year when you are being tackled by shitstorms for countless of times. i know everything around you seems unfair but trust me my love, this is only temporary and this temporary pain that will soon bring you to the happiest, most felicitous moments of your life. things ARE going to take its toll and soon turn around because God is fair. He will never hand a person some tasks that He knows that that particular person has no capabilities whatsoever on handling it. wait. patience my love. understand the reason why you are under these circumstances and my darling, endure. endure this pain because as painful as it is, these are the the kind of pain that will humble you, that will make you humane. God is molding you into becoming a greater person than you are today. trust me. patience my darling, patience. everything will soon be fine.

in the meantime, during these hell loads of shitstorms, just hold my hand. i am here to help you, for better or for worst, for now and for always. because i have secretly wished that i am one of your miracles.

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